Hotline Nos. Awards: +91 8595350504, Conference: +91 8595350505, Exhibition: +91 9320082949

16 & 17, 2013,

Hotel Lalit, Mumbai

500+ Small Business Owners,
200+ SME Suppliers, 70+ Industry Experts,
1000+ Award Nominations, One Mega Show!

4th Annual National Convention on Small Business

Ms. Priyanka Gupta
Executive Director,
MPIL Steel Structures Ltd

Priyanka Gupta is the Executive Director at MPIL Steel Structures Ltd. She oversees financial planning and business development at MPIL. She has helped diversify MPIL�s businesses in the fields of renewable energy and complex steel fabrication. She has also set up groups such as MPIL Circle of Trust and MPIL & The Arts to explore ways to invest in human capital and public art. She has previously worked with financial institutions such as the World Bank, the IMF and the Fund for the City of New York.

She holds a Bachelor's in Economics from Connecticut College, a degree in Development Economics from Oxford University and a Masters in International Finance from New York University. She is a nationally acclaimed entrepreneur of India who has been honored by business magazines, prestigious awards and the media. In 2012, Economic Times Now (ET Now) named Gupta Woman Entrepreneur of the Year.


Gaurav Marya,
Chairman, Franchise India

The greatest challenge of running a small business is breaking the mindset of thinking small.